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In [ ]:
%config InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity="none"
def f(globals, locals):
    import base64
    exec(base64.b64decode(code), globals, locals)
f(globals(), locals())
del f

def assertEqual(want, got):
    if want == got:
        print("Test case passed.")

    print("--------- Test case failed. ---------")
    print(f"Want: {repr(want)} (type: {type(want).__name__})")
    print(f"Got:  {repr(got)} (type: {type(got).__name__})")

Lecture 10, C Exercises (Optional Challenge Problems)¶

1. Primes¶

1.1 Find primes.¶

A prime is a positive integer divisible by exactly two numbers: itself, and 1. (1 is only divisible by 1, so it is not a prime.)

Implement find_primes_up_to, which returns a list of all primes up to n. Recall that you can check whether a divides b by checking b % a == 0.

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def find_primes_up_to(n):
    """Finds all prime numbers less than or equal to `n`.

        n (int): The number to search up to. 

    Returns: (list) A list of primes up to and including `n`.

    Effects: None.

assertEqual([], find_primes_up_to(1))
assertEqual([2], find_primes_up_to(2))
assertEqual([2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29], find_primes_up_to(30))

1.2 Factorize¶

Given a natural number n, determine its prime factorization. Use find_primes_up_to as defined above to determine primes.

Recall that the fundamental theorem of arithmetic says that every natural number has a unique prime factorization. The prime factorization of a number decomposes it into the product of primes. For example, the prime factorization of $60$ is $2^2 \times 3^1 \times 5^1$.

In our program, we represent this prime factorization as a list: [2, 1, 1], where the first item (0th index) corresponds to the exponent (2) of the first prime (2); the second item (1st index) corresponds to the exponent (1) of the second prime (3), and so on.

Given a number, determine its prime factorization, and return it as the above list representation.

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def factorize(n):
    """Given a number, determine its prime factorizaton.

        n (int): The number to factorize.
    Returns: (list) A list of exponents representing n's prime factorization.

    Effects: None.

assertEqual([2, 1, 1], factorize(60))
assertEqual([], factorize(1))
assertEqual([1], factorize(2))
assertEqual([1, 2, 2], factorize(450))

1.3 Goldbach's Conjecture¶

Goldbach's conjecture claims that every even number $n > 2$ can be written as the sum of two primes. In other words, for all $n > 2$, there exist prime numbers $p$ and $q$ such that $p + q = n$.

p q n
2 2 4
3 3 6
3 5 8
3 7 10
5 7 12

Write a function find_goldbach(n) that returns a pair of primes that sum up to n.

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def find_goldbach(n):
    """Find a pair of primes that sum to `n`.
        n (int): The number.
    Returns: (list) A pair of prime numbers that sum to n.

    Effects: None.

def test_is_prime(n):
    for i in range(2, n):
        if n % i == 0:
            return False
    return True

assertEqual([3, 3], find_goldbach(6))
for n in range(4, 100):
    p, q = find_goldbach(n)
    assertEqual(True, test_is_prime(p))
    assertEqual(True, test_is_prime(q))
    assertEqual(n, p + q)

2. Polynomials¶

2.1 Print a polynomial¶

In our program, we represent (integer) polynomials as a list of integers.

For example, we represent the polynomial $ax^0 + bx^1 + cx^2 + dx^3$ as the list [a, b, c, d]. The first element (0th index) corresponds to the coefficient ($a$) of $x^0$; the second element (1st index) corresponds to the coefficient ($b$) of $x^1$, and so on.

Write a function poly_to_str(l) which takes a polynomial in list form and returns it in string form. The string form of the polynomial [2, 1, 0, 5] would be "2x^0 + 1x^1 + 5x^3".

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def poly_to_str(l):
    """Converts a list representation of a polynomial to a string.

        l (list): A list representing the coefficients of the polynomial.
    Returns: (str) The string form of the polynomial.

    Effects: None.

assertEqual("2x^0 + 1x^1 + 5x^3", poly_to_str([2, 1, 0, 5]).strip())
assertEqual("1x^0", poly_to_str([5, 0, 0, 0]).strip())
assertEqual("1x^1 + 2x^2 + 3x^3 + 4x^4 + 5x^5", poly_to_str(list(range(6))))

2.2 Multiply two polynomials¶

Given two list representations of a polynomial, compute the product polynomial. The product polynomial is computed by multiplying every pair of terms from each polynomial, and adding them all up into a new polynomial.

For example, to compute the product:

$$(2x^0 + 1x^1 + 5x^3)(1x^0 + 3x^1 + 1x^2)$$

Take every pair of terms, one from the first polynomial, one from the second:

  1. $2x^0 \times 1x^0 = 2x^0$
  2. $2x^0 \times 3x^1 = 6x^1$
  3. $2x^0 \times 1x^2 = 2x^2$
  4. $1x^1 \times 1x^0 = 1x^1$
  5. $1x^1 \times 3x^1 = 3x^2$
  6. $1x^1 \times 1x^2 = 1x^3$
  7. $5x^3 \times 1x^0 = 5x^3$
  8. $5x^3 \times 3x^1 = 15x^4$
  9. $5x^3 \times 1x^2 = 5x^5$

Then add all the terms:

$$2x^0 + 6x^1 + 2x^2 + 1x^1 + 3x^2 + 1x^3 + 5x^3 + 15x^4 + 5x^5$$

Group terms:

$$2x^0 + (6x^1 + 1x^1) + (2x^2 + 3x^2) + (1x^3 + 5x^3) + 15x^4 + 5x^5$$


$$2x^0 + 7x^1 + 5x^2 + 6x^3 + 15x^4 + 5x^5$$

In [ ]:
def multiply_poly(first, second):
    """Multiplies two polynomials in list representation.

        first (List[int]): A list representation of the first polynomial.
        second (List[int]): A list representation of the second polynomial.
    Returns: (List[int]) A list representation of the the product polynomial.

    Effects: None.

def drop_trailing_zeroes(poly):
    """Removes trailing zero coefficients from the list-polynomial.
    Useful for checking whether two list-polynomials are equal.
    result = poly[:]
    while result and result[-1] == 0:
    return result

f = [2, 1, 0, 5]  # 2x^0 + 1x^1 + 5x^3
s = [1, 3, 1]     # 1x^0 + 3x^1 + 1x^2
assertEqual([2, 7, 5, 6, 15, 5], drop_trailing_zeroes(multiply_poly(f, s)))

f = [5, 3, 2, 7]  # 5x^0 + 3x^1 + 2x^2 + 7x^3
s = [1]           # 1x^0
assertEqual([5, 3, 2, 7], drop_trailing_zeroes(multiply_poly(f, s)))

f = [5, 3, 2, 7]  # 5x^0 + 3x^1 + 2x^2 + 7x^3
s = []            # 0
assertEqual([], drop_trailing_zeroes(multiply_poly(f, s)))

What is the runtime of your algorithm, if $n$ is the length of your polynomials? Is it surprising that there exists an algorithm to multiply two polynomials in $O(n\log{n})$ time?