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Week 3 Lecture 2a: Computational efficiency, more on sorting

In [1]:
%run "boaz_utils.ipynb"

Analyzing how fast algorithms run

We always care about how fast an algorithm runs.

O notation focuses on how the time scales when inuput work. We focus on worst case complexity

In [3]:
def star():


In [4]:
#assigning a variable
L= list(range(1000))
L[0]=5 #doesn't matter how big L is
In [5]:

O(n) linear time

In [5]:
def find_star(L,s):
    for i in range(len(L)):
        if L[i]==s: return i
    return -1

L = range(200)

O(n${^2}$) quadratic time

In [6]:
def intersection_star(L1,L2):
    intersection = []
    for i in L1:
        for j in L2:
            if i==j: intersection += [i]
    return intersection

L1= range(0,50,3) 
L2= range(0,50,2) 
[0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48]

O(n${^3}$) cubic time

In [13]:
def intersect3_star(L1,L2,L3):
    intersection =[]
    for i in L1:
        for j in L2:
            for k in L3:
                if i==j and j==k: intersection += [i]
    return intersection
L1 = range(0,50,2) 
L2 = range(0,50,3)
L3 = range(0,50,5)
[0, 30]

O (log(n))

In [8]:
def binsearch_star(L,s):
    start = 0
    end   = len(L)
    while start<end:
        mid = (start+end)//2
        if s<L[mid]: end = mid
        if s>L[mid]: start = mid+1
        if s==L[mid]: return mid
    return -1

L = range(1000)

O (n*log(n))

$n < n\log n < n^2$.

$n\log n$ is closer to $n$ than to $n^2$.

We will see soon that (Merge Sort) has this runtime.

In [14]:
plotfunctions(lambda n:log(n), r'$\log n$', lambda n:n, r'$n$', lambda n:n*log(n), r'$n\log n$',
    lambda n:n*n, r'$n^2$', lambda n:n*n*n, r'$n^3$', n= 100)
In [10]:
plotfunctions( lambda n:log(n), r'$\log n$', lambda n:n, r'$n$',
    lambda n:n*log(n), r'$n\log n$', lambda n:n*n, r'$n^2$', n= 100)
In [11]:
# n vs log n
plotfunctions(  lambda n:log(n), r'$\log n$', lambda n:n, r'$n$',     n= 100)

Comparing them for $n=10^9$

In [12]:

print(f"log n  \t= {log(n):,}  (nanoseconds)")
print(f"n \t= {n:,} (seconds)")
print(f"n log n\t= {n*log(n):,} (minutes)")
print(f"n^2 \t= {n*n:,} (years)")
print(f"n^3 \t= {n*n*n:,} (billions of years)")
log n  	= 29.897352853986263  (nanoseconds)
n 	= 1,000,000,000 (seconds)
n log n	= 29,897,352,853.986263 (minutes)
n^2 	= 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 (years)
n^3 	= 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (billions of years)

Recap of MergeSort and analyze on board

In [22]:
def merge(A, B):
    C = []
    i = j = 0
    while i<len(A) and j<len(B):
        if A[i] < B[j]:
            C += [A[i]]
            i += 1
            C += [B[j]]
            j += 1
    C += A[i:] + B[j:]
    return C

def merge_sort(L):
    if len(L) <= 1:
        return L[:]
        A = L[0:len(L)//2]
        B = L[len(L)//2:]
        return merge(merge_sort(A), merge_sort(B))
In [23]:
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

Another example: different algorithms for the same problem can have different runtimes

Exercise: Given list L and and value x, partition L so that values from 0 to i-1 are smaller than x and value from i onwards are equal or larger to x. Return i

Solution 1: Use selection sort to sort L then scan to find the first position where the value is at least x

In [13]:
def find_min_index(L):
    currmin = 0
    for i in range(1,len(L)):
        if L[i]<L[currmin]: currmin=i
    return currmin
In [14]:
def selection_sort(L):
    if len(L)<=1: return L
    for i in range(len(L)-1):
        j = i + find_min_index(L[i:])
        L[i],L[j] = L[j],L[i]
    return L
In [15]:
[12, 65, 324, 435, 456]
In [16]:
def partition(L,x):
    for j in range(len(L)):
        if L[j]>= x: return j
    return len(L)
In [17]:
L = [random.randint(1,100) for i in range(10)]
print(f"Before: {L}")
i = partition(L,50)
print(f"After: {L}")
print(f"i={i}, L[i-1]={L[i-1]}, L[i]={L[i]}")
Before: [100, 15, 12, 51, 40, 38, 6, 26, 3, 64]
After: [3, 6, 12, 15, 26, 38, 40, 51, 64, 100]
i=7, L[i-1]=40, L[i]=51

Is this the most efficient version?

Steps in construction of algorithms:

  1. Understand what is the problem to solve.
  2. Find how to solve the problem, first high level/pseudocode and then code.
  3. Analyze why algorithm solves the problem.
  4. Analyze how fast it runs.

Reorder: Input L of length n, value x:
Set i=0, j=n-1
Increase i and decrease j until we find "mismatched pair": L[i]>=x and L[j]<x
Switch such pairs and continue until i>=j

In [ ]:
def partition2(L,x):
    i = 0; j = len(L)-1
    while i<j:
        if L[i]<x: i+= 1
        elif L[j]>= x: j -= 1
        else: L[i],L[j]=L[j],L[i]
    return j
In [84]:
L = [random.randint(1,100) for i in range(6)]
print(f"Before: {L}")
i = partition2(L,50)
print(f"After: {L}")
print(f"i={i}, L[i-1]={L[i-1]}, L[i]={L[i]}")
Before: [64, 88, 13, 10, 28, 72]
After: [28, 10, 13, 88, 64, 72]
i=3, L[i-1]=13, L[i]=88

Analysis: (on board)

  1. Why it is correct

  2. How fast why does it run in $O(n)$ time

In [ ]:
inputs = [([random.randint(1,n) for i in range(n)],int(n/2)) for n in range(10,600,60)]
inputs1 = [list(a) for a in inputs]
inputs2 = [list(a) for a in inputs]
In [85]:
In [87]:
In [86]: